PRIMEVAL CODE: The Breakthrough! (2022)
HIGHER GRAIN YIELD WHITHOUT GENETIC ENGINEERING! (2021/2022)New international studies and field trials confirm: Plants, fruits or vegetables germinate and thrive far more intensively and with higher yields thanks to electric fields – without additional fertilizers, pesticides or other chemical aids. At the same time, they can be preserved and transported much more longer in this natural way.The amazing biological effect was discovered in the 1980s: In laboratory experiments, the Swiss researchers Guido Ebner and Heinz Schürch from the pharmaceutical company Ciba-Geigy (now: Novartis), who both died in 2001, succeeded in massively increasing the growth and yield of plants and fish – without genetic engineering, only with an electrostatic high-voltage field.Surprisingly, primeval forms grew in this way. For example a fern that no botanist could identify. Primitive corn with up to twelve cobs per stalk. And giant trouts with salmon hooks. The pharmaceutical giant and pesticide juggernaut at the time patented the groundbreaking discovery – and subsequently put a stop to any further research. Why? Because, in contrast to modern seed varieties, more robust native cereals from the electric field hardly require any pesticides. What's more, it can be grown by anyone without a license, i.e. free of charge.Together with the researcher's son and biologist Daniel Ebner, the well-known Swiss journalist Luc Bürgin disclosed the revolutionary principle of action back in 2007 – so that it would not fall into oblivion. After massive skepticism, the wind has since changed in the scientific community, finally! "Thanks to enthusiastic readers and academic comrades-in-arms, we have been able to get a veritable avalanche rolling in recent years!", says Bürgin happily. "Whether wheat, corn, tomatoes, cress or radishes: Agricultural researchers all over the world have finally taken up the subject, which has long been scorned. With extremely positive and fruitful results, as quite a few scientific publications in recent years make clear. Unfortunately, our mainstream press has kept quiet about these findings to this day."In short: The sensational biological effect can be reproduced for free – even in our home garden! Luc Bürgin's bestseller is therefore now available again in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, in an updated and expanded paperback version (March 2021), with yellow instead of green book cover, including the latest research results.Would you also like to help make the E-field effect known to wider circles - and thus help it achieve a final breakthrough? Then please inform journalists, politicians, scientists or foreign publishers about it. Tell friends and acquaintances about it. Confront interested circles with it and scatter small sparks with us - in the hope of igniting a global conflagration. (Luc Bürgin)Further informations:
Luc Bürgin, P.O. Box 2427, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
www.urzeit-code.comVoices on the subject:"A discovery worthy of a Nobel Prize!"
(ARD-Magazine »Report«, German TV)"I was really impressed!"
(Professor Werner Arber, Swiss Nobel Prize winner)"At first I was skeptical, then surprised and later, after consulting other scientists, convinced that a real alternative to genetic research had been discovered here."
(Franz Alt, journalist and environmental activist from Germany)*The Primeval Code – The ecological alternative to genetic engineering
ISBN-13: 978-3784435879
Price: 18,00 EUR
Langen Müller Verlag, Munich, Germany (2021)
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